We are fortunate to have an annual group of retreats that are held each year Lead by The 3rd Tsokhang Choktrul Urgyen Dhimed Rinpoche and Venerable Dungse Rangrig Rinpoche. We are happy to announce that retreats this year will be held on land that we have just acquired in Fort Erie Ontario.
Currently, the retreats are as follows (dates are approximate and subject to change)
Feb – Vajrakilyia Dokpa (Open retreat)
April – Naga Bumpa Blessing retreat (open retreat)
May – Nyungne (Open retreat)
July – Phowa (Closed retreat)
Sept – Throma Nagmo (Closed retreat)
October – Nyensa travelling retreat (Open retreat)
December – Zhambala/Ganesh – Orgyen Menlha (alternating each year)
There are lots of areas during a that require support, Translation, Printing, Website population, Transportation, Lama meals, food purchasing Tsok. Please specify which retreat and are you wish to support when you link the link below
Donation in the event you cannot attend is considered a great meritious event of charity and generosity that can also be dedicated to loved ones. If you wish to contribute please click here